Elizabeth Gergaud

Devoted to the spiritual journey, I guide students to connect deeply with their inner landscape, embracing the magic of breath, sound, the present moment, and acceptance across body, mind, emotions, and spirit.

Experienced in Voice, Sound Healing, Reiki, Goddess Dance, Tibetan Buddhism, and Yoga, I hold degrees in Music Performance and Ethnomusicology from UT. I am Certified in Reiki, Gong Therapy, and more, with a 200 RYT.  

I am most interested in deep relaxation of body and mind, and soothing the nervous system.  Approaching this through Sound Healing, Restorative Yoga, Meditation and Somatic Movement I aim to help you let go of the stress of the modern world and relax into your natural state of being. 

I merge energy healing, vibrational sound medicine, and sacred movement, offering sublime Sound Healing Events, and Restorative Yoga with deep sound healing savasanas. 

I adore yoga, mantra, hand mudras, dance, meditation and Healing Live Music for their transformative power.

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