Experience & Celebrate Traditional Yoga & Meditation offered by professionals, dance artists, renowned musicians and Sound Bath specialists!
06:30pm to 11:00pm - June 21, 2024
Samspra Academy, Samspra Hall (Building B) Samspra Academy 2905 Blue Ridge Dr-78613 Get directions
International Yoga Day is celebrated to bring the community together, to experience wellness of the mind and body. Come on June 21st at 6:30 -8:00 pm to Samspra Academy. Experience traditional Yoga and Meditation
  • Begin with a Hatha Yoga warm-up for the limbs
  • Gradually progress to time-tested Natya Yoga ( experience how mudras ( hand gestures), and body movement, enhance wellness and programming of the body.
  • Indulge in Siddha Nada Yoga, with renowned Carnatic musicians.
  • Relax and transport to a different dimension, with the Sound bath, offered by the sound healer.
Followed by healthy refreshments! All For FREE! This event is in collaboration with IAAA, Saranga and Samspra Academy Parking on the road- free Open for All ages, levels, and genders and ethnicity – simply come to experience the goodness of Yoga, with family and friends Bring your own Yoga Mats We ask for RSVP – admit@samspra.org or Evite Link you received, or text This helps us plan- and provide the best experience for food preparations and services. We love to see you at the event on June 21st. If you cannot make it, kindly cancel RsVP so that others who like to join us may be able to. Thank you!


  • Samspra Academy

