Skanda Narayanan

Skanda Narayanan received tutelage under guru Vidwan. Lakshmanan, from Thanjavur. Later he continued lessons under Vidwan T.K. Ramachandran. Skanda started performing for bhajans and concerts, both as a Mirudangam and Kanjira artist.  After a break from music for career reasons, Skanda got back to performances from 2019.

He continues to learn Kanjira and Mirudangam from renowned and able teachers – Vidwan Shri. Sunil Kumar (an All India Radio “A” grade artist and disciple of Shri. V. Selvaganesh) and Vidwan Shri. Ambur Padmanaban (an All India Radio “A” grade artist, and disciple of Shri. T.V. Gopalakrishnan). 

 Skanda hopes to pass on the learnings from two different traditions to interested students of music. Skanda Narayanan lives in Round Rock, with his wife and two children.

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