Janakey Devi

Janakey Devi Vayavinat Kizhakkepat Pathayaturayil started her dance journey under the tutelage of Shri Vasudevan Namboothiri at the age of 4. After receiving the foundational training under Shri Namboothiri, she further nurtured her dance skills under Smt Geetha Varma with whom she mastered her Bharatanatyam and Mohiniyattam skills over a span of 11 years. She is also a trained Thiruvathirakali dancer (traditional temple group dance unique to women in Kerala).

Janakey Devi used to regularly perform in the temple festivals in her hometown and has performed both solo and in groups. She is very passionate about all dance forms and has performed/choreographed at college festivals and other special occasions. Professionally, she holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering and worked as post-doctoral fellow at UT-Austin. She is originally from Kerala but currently resides in Austin, Texas.

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